Cisco Systems :: VR experience - IBC, Amsterdam
Cisco Systems :: VR experience - IBC, Amsterdam
Cisco Video Aware Networking Cable TV video dissemination technologies
Cisco Video Aware Networking Cable TV video dissemination technologies
Cisco Systems is an American multinational technology conglomerate that develops, manufactures and sells networking hardware, software, telecommunications equipment and other high-technology products and services.
Our mission: To create a unique VR experience taking visitors on an exhilarating journey.
Our solution: producing an experience that conveys complex technical video compression technologies in a fun-filled, exciting way.
Our unique VR experience uses 360-degree animation sequences in 8K resolution.
The viewer experience involves a rollercoaster style adventure, roaring through a virtual environment representing the video frames ‘factory’. In this virtual space, we introduce the technologies used to encode each frame to compress the video without losing image quality and consistency.